Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Beach Adventures

Our family visited the beach over Memorial Day weekend. Abigail did not venture out on the beach because I was too worried about heat/sun/meltdowns, but Dillon and I were able to do lots of fun stuff thanks to my mom watching the baby. We went on the beach, went kayaking, and walked to get ice cream. It was a nice break from reality, and we can't wait to go back! Here are some pictures below. Abigail has the cutest little watermelon (strawberry?) bathing suit, but her photo shoot took place in the comfortable air conditioned beach house!

In other news, she is in 6 month-sized clothes and almost in size 3 diapers! I never would have thought that my almost 3 month old baby would be so big! She has to be about 15 pounds, but I don't know for sure. We don't go back to the doctor until she is 4 months.